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Alkacon OpenCms Support Terms

Premium Support Subscription - Renewal and cancellation

For our Premium Support Subscription the following terms and conditions apply:

The annual subscription period is 12 months (1 year).

An active subscription extends automatically for another year 14 days prior to the end of the annual subscription period.

An active subscription can be cancelled by the customer or Alkacon any time before the automatic extension. Cancellation must be sent in written form, email is sufficient.

After cancellation of an Alkacon Premium Support Subscription the support can be used until the end of the paid subscription period.

For our Premium Support Subscription and our Incident Support offering the following terms and conditions apply:

OpenCms Support availability

Support is available in English or German language. All Support is available only during Alkacons business hours. Alkacons business hours are:

Monday to Friday, 9.00h to 18.00h, Cologne, Europe (CET, GMT+1) time zone.
Please note: Local holidays for NRW, Germany apply.

Supported OpenCms versions

Alkacon Software offers support for the following OpenCms versions:

  • OpenCms 18
  • OpenCms 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11
  • OpenCms 10.5 and 10
  • OpenCms 9

Other versions of OpenCms are not covered by our support agreements.

In case you need support for an older version of OpenCms, we can make an individual offer. Please contact us to clarify the details.

Only official, stable versions of the OpenCms software are supported. The reference for the official stable versions is the website. No support within this agreement is available for OpenCms versions that contain modifications that are not part of the official versions. Moreover, pre-release versions of OpenCms (for example alpha, beta or release candidate versions) or source code versions from the Github repository are not covered by our support agreements.

Definition of an incident

An incident describes an isolated problem in the context of a larger OpenCms project. It is therefore specialized and detailed in nature. The context of the incident has to be provided by the surrounding project and the incident usually describes an issue that does not work as expected in that context.

No matter how you describe your incident, we will try to provide an answer. However, we reserve the right to reject an incident in case we find the problem description to unspecified or to general in nature. For the Incident Support Package, rejected incidents will not be counted to the total number of used incidents.

Information to include with an incident

The following information is to be included for every incident raised:

  • OpenCms Software Version
  • Java JDK version
  • Operating System
  • Database
  • Servlet Engine
  • Web server
  • Exception stack traces
  • If required: Code snippets related to your problem

Types of issues covered by the support

We at Alkacon Software believe to have the most complete knowledge in OpenCms available and we are sure that we can solve most of your problems. However, because of the variety of soft- and hardware OpenCms is able to run with, we cannot guarantee that we can always find a solution to an incident.

If you raise an incident describing a problem, this problem must be reproducible by our support team.

This means it must be reproducible on a standard OpenCms (plus OCEE) distribution installation. A standard distribution installation means a system that is based only on the OpenCms core package available for download on plus optionally the OCEE modules installed, with a number of additional modules (or content imports) installed from your individual website / application.

We reserve the right to not fix any performance related issues in OpenCms, because usually these are the result of a poor layout of the application build on OpenCms and not OpenCms itself. However, we will try to support you in finding performance bottlenecks in your application and try to point out possible improvements.

Supported software components

If the issue is related to an underlying environment, we support the following components:

  • MS Windows (current versions*)
  • Linux (Red Hat, SUSE, Debian, Ubuntu - current versions*)
  • For OpenCms from version 17: Java LTS 11, 17 and 21
  • For OpenCms up to version 16: Java LTS 8 and 11
  • Jetty (current versions*)
  • Tomcat 8.x and 9.x
  • MariaDB / MySQL DB (current versions*)
We offer limited support** for the following components:
  • Jboss / WildFly (current versions*)
  • Websphere (current versions*)
  • Glassfish (current versions*)
  • Oracle DB (current versions*)
  • PostgreSQL (current versions*)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (current versions*)
  • DB2 (current versions*)

* ’Current versions’ means the last two current major stable release versions of the listed component. No alpha, beta or release candidate versions are supported. In case you are in doubt please ask us if the version you are using is supported.

** ‘Limited support’ means that we support OpenCms with these components, but we only have limited know-how regarding installation and optimization of OpenCms on these components. The OpenCms core bug-fixing service within the premium support subscription is limited to 20 developer working hours during the subscription period of 12 months for issues regarding these components.

No other environments or components then those listed above are covered by our support options.

Please note that we cannot fix issues that are part of the underlying environment or the external JARS or components that ship with OpenCms. However, in case of severe and easily reproducible issues with such external components, we will do our best to find a workaround. 

In case you have support requirements that are not covered by these terms and conditions, please consider our individual support agreements for OpenCms.