Provides additional high performance caches to accelerate database access and page delivery.
Alkacon OCEE

The turbo booster for your OpenCms installation
The Alkacon OpenCms Enterprise Extensions (OCEE) enable the installation of OpenCms in a cluster and optionally allow for database replication. Also included are modules for LDAP / Microsoft AD connectivity and improved database performance.
Alkacon OCEE is a licensed software product available as annual subscription.
OCEE feature overview
OCEE Accelerator
OCEE Cluster Manager
Allows for clustering of OpenCms Servers for mission critical environments.
OCEE LDAP Connector
Provides full integration of LDAP / AD user directories with the OpenCms permission system.
OCEE DB Replicator
Allows to replicate the OpenCms repository data to remote database instances, e.g. from "test" to "live" servers.
Alkacon OCEE is installed on a standard open source OpenCms system. Alkacon OCEE is a binary only distribution. This means that the source code for the OCEE package is not available.
To use the Alkacon OCEE package, you need to enter a license key that will be provided to you by Alkacon after you purchase an Alkacon OCEE subscription.
Product data sheet
All available OCEE subscriptions and OpenCms support options in one document.