Alkacon now offers public OpenCms training courses

Alkacon Software's comprehensive OpenCms training courses are very well received by our customers. Until now, all Alkacon training courses have been available only as "in house" sessions at a location chosen by the customer. For the training of lager groups this makes sense and is more cost effective. However, if you just want to train one or two developers, a training course "in house" is often considered too costly.
Alkacon now also offers public OpenCms training courses. For the time being, these will be held in a conference center in Cologne, Germany at a schedule to be announced on the Alkacon website.
The public OpenCms training courses of Alkacon allow the cost effective training of one or two developers. The content of the public OpenCms training courses is identical with the “in house” courses.
The public courses have a maximum of 10 course participants. The minimum number of training course participants for a public training is 4.
The first public OpenCms training course is available at the following schedule:
OpenCms Complete Training (5 Days)
April 14 – 18, 2008
Conference center "Gut Keuchhof", Cologne, Germany
1950 € per Person (plus 19% VAT / sales tax)
The price includes the training course materials, as well as lunch and refreshments during the training sessions.
Further training course schedules will be announced on