Book on Knowledge Management features OpenCms

German publisher Springer has recently published the book Open Source Knowledge Management by Georg Hüttenegger that outlines the usage of OpenCms and other open source systems as a basis for a comprehensive and integrated Knowledge Management (KM) system.
Open Source Knowledge Management is targeted toward decision makers, developers and everybody who wants to get an overview of the possible usage of open source systems for KM.
OpenCms is introduced as one of the possible open source solutions that can be the base of a custom KM system implementation.
The text starts with a few definitions followed by relevant organizational and technological issues of KM. The core of the book discusses OpenCms and other open source systems in the areas of Groupware, Content Management, and Document Management as well as Workflows, Topic Maps, eLearning, and the Semantic Web.
Based on the individual organizational goals, decision criteria for a step by step introduction of a new KM system are established. This emphasizes the real focus of any KM initiative and enables the organization to profit from early parts of the overall system. Two aspects present throughout the text are cost savings and efficiency, the drivers of open source and KM.
The book provides a very good overview about the possible usage of OpenCms for KM. The reader will gain a solid foundation and is able to immediately start with his KM initiative.
Please note: This book is currently available in German language only.